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Jishin, Kaminari, Kaji, Oyaji (地震、雷、火事、親父): Part 2

  • Jishin, Kaminari, Kaji, Oyaji: Part 2

    地震、雷、火事、親父 Part 2

    There are two major theories about why oyaji (親父 – “father”) follows jishin (地震 – “earthquake”), kaminari (雷 – “thunder”), and kaji (火事 – “fire”), as representatives of terrifying things.

    One is simply that fathers were a synonym for something terrifying.

    In fact, in the Edo period, when this expression was coined, fathers were often seen as strict and fearsome.

    Another theory says that it originated from the word yamaji (山風), meaning “strong wind.”

    I think it is also possible that oyaji was added as a joke just for the sake of rhyme.

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