iPhone 15 Pro
iPhone 15 Pro
iPhone 15 Pro
Today, I received the iPhone 15 Pro.
今日、iPhone 15 Pro が届きました。
I am excitedly setting it up.
So far, I have used the iPhone in the sequence of 4s, 5, 6, X, Xs, and 12 Pro.
これまで私は、iPhone 4s, 5, 6, 7, X, Xs, 12 Pro の流れで使ってきました。
This upgrade to the iPhone 15 Pro is the first time in about three years.
I feel that the appearance of the iPhone used to change almost every year, but I did not notice a significant difference in the design between the iPhone 12 and 15.
昔は見た目が毎年のように変わっていた気がしますが、iPhone 12 と今回の iPhone 15 は、そこまで大きな外観の変化は感じられませんでした。
However, the battery on my iPhone had deteriorated so much that it could only last three to four hours, which is why I decided to upgrade this time.
ただ、iPhone 12 はバッテリーが大きく劣化し、3~4時間くらいしかもたない状態であったので、今回思い切って乗り換えたというわけです。
(The main factor in the battery degradation is probably a geolocation-based game, “Dragon Quest Walk.”)
I have sometimes used Android and Windows Phone.
私は iPhone だけでなく、Android や Windows Phone なども使ってきました。
My favorite was the BlackBerry KEY2, which has a physical keyboard.
特に気に入っていたのは、物理キーボードを搭載した BlackBerry KEY2 です。
I would consider buying a new BlackBerry smartphone when it is released.