CultureEssayFoodIdiomJapanese traditionProverbUncorrected

Momo Kuri San-nen Kaki Hachi-nen (桃栗三年柿八年 – It often Takes Time to Bear the Fruit of One’s Actions)

  • Momo Kuri San-nen Kaki Hachi-nen


    Achieving goals often takes a reasonable number of years.

    The Japanese proverb, momo kuri san-nen kaki hachi-nen (桃栗三年柿八年), expresses such a fact.

    Since momo (桃) means “peach,” kuri (栗) means “chestnut,” san-nen (三年) means “three years,” ‘kaki” (柿) means “persimmon,” and hachi-nen (八年) means “eight years,” the literal meaning of this proverb is “peaches and chestnuts need three years, and persimmon needs eight years.”
    「桃」は “peach”、「栗」は “chestnut”、「三年」は “three years”、「柿」は “”、「八年」は “eight years” を意味するので、このことわざの文字どおりの意味は “” となります。

    Just like it takes three years to harvest peaches/chestnuts and eight years to harvest persimmons after sowing the seeds, everything takes a reasonable number of years to achieve results.

    Please consider using this proverb if you find someone in a hurry because of a lack of results.

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