CultureEducationEssayIdiomJapanese traditionProverbUncorrected

Shōnen Oi Yasuku Gaku Nari Gatashi (少年老い易く学成り難し – Art Is Long, Life Is Short)

  • Shōnen Oi Yasuku Gaku Nari Gatashi


    There are several proverbs referring to the fact that time flies, in addition to kōin ya no gotoshi (光陰矢の如し), which was introduced in my post yesterday.

    One of them is especially directed to young people is shōnen oi yasuku gaku nari gatashi (少年老い易く学成り難し).

    Since shōnen (少年) means “boy,” oi (老い) means “to get old,” yasuku (易く) means “easy,” gaku (学) means “learning,” nari (成り) means “to achieve,” and gatashi (難し) means “difficult,” the literal meaning of this proverb is “boys (and girls) get old easily, and it is difficult to achieve learning.”
    「少年」は “boy”、「老い」は “to get old”、「易く」は “easy”、「学」は “learning”、「成り」は “to achieve”、「難し」は “difficult” を意味するので、このことわざは “boys (and girls) get old easily, and it is difficult to achieve learning” という意味になります。

    In other words, this proverb says, “You have to study hard while you are young so that you do not end up learning nothing.”

    Original sentence