EssayEtymologyIdiomJapanese traditionUncorrected

Fumin Fukyū (不眠不休 – Without Sleep or Rest)

  • Fumin Fukyū


    When you do something without sleeping or resting, it is referred to as ‘fumin fukyū‘ (不眠不休) in Japanese.

    Fu‘ (不) is a negative prefix, ‘min‘ (眠) means “to sleep,” and ‘kyū‘ (休) means “to rest.”
    「不」は否定語、「眠」は “to sleep”、「休」は “to rest” を意味します。

    Therefore, ‘fumin‘ (不眠) means “no sleep,” ‘fukyū‘ (不休) means “no rest,” and the combination means “no sleep no rest” or “without sleep or rest.”
    このため、「不眠」は “no sleep”、「不休」は “to rest” を意味し、「不眠不休」は “no sleep no rest” という意味になります。

    Basically, this idiom is used to express that someone makes an effort without rest to achieve something.

    However, if you do something without sleep or rest, you cannot concentrate on it, so it is not recommended.

    [Example of use]
    Fumin fukyū de hataraku‘ (不眠不休で働く – I work without sleep or rest).

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