ClimateCultureEssayEtymologyIdiomJapanese traditionUncorrected

Nodoka (のどか – Peaceful)

  • I love a situation expressed as のどか (nodoka).


    “Nodoka” means that something is quiet, calm, and relaxing, or the weather is serene and mild.

    For example, you can say 今日はのどかだなあ (kyou wa nodoka dana – Today is peaceful).

    のど (nodo) of “nodoka” is an ancient word that means that something is calm.

    By adding the suffix か (ka) that means that something is in a certain state to “nodo”, “nodoka” was created.

    “Nodoka” is usually used for a mood or weather.

    However, note that if you use it for a person, it can be an ironic meaning.

    Original sentence