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Chienetsu (知恵熱)

  • Chienetsu


    There is a Japanese term “chienetsu” (知恵熱), which is often used incorrectly.

    The “chie” (知恵) means “wisdom,” and the “netsu” (熱) means “fever,” but can you guess the meaning of the combination, “chienetsu?”
    「知恵」は “wisdom,” 「熱」は “fever” を意味しますが、「知恵熱」が何を意味するか想像できますか?

    “Chienetsu” means unexplained fever found in infants in half a year to a year after birth.

    The etymology comes from the fact that this symptom occurs when infants start to get wisdom.

    However, it’s often used incorrectly to mean “fever due to an excessive use of one’s head.”

    Incidentally, this fever is referred to as “teething fever” in English because it occurs when teeth begin to grow.
    ちなみに英語圏では、歯が生え始める時期の熱ということで “teething fever” と呼ばれているそうです。

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