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Uri Futatsu (Two Melons)

  • Uri Futatsu


    Today, I will talk about the Japanese word “uri futatsu.”

    The literal translation is “two melons,” and it means that brothers or parent and child are very similar to each other.

    This word comes from the fact that when you cut a melon in two, these cross sectional shapes are very similar.

    However, the same is true for many other vegetables and fruits.

    Although it’s not fully reliable, it could come from the fact that a cross section of a melon was compared to a face of a beautiful woman in Japan.

    By the way, there is a similar expression in English: “as like as two eggs.”
    ちなみに英語では、「よく似た二つの卵」(as like as two eggs) のように、卵を用いた表現があります。

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