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Deer in Nara Park

  • Nara Park, which is located in Nara Prefecture of Japan, has about 660 hectares, and is well known that a plenty deer are living there.


    The number is no less than 1500, and you can see deer in many places in the park.

    In Nara Park, “shika senbei” (deer rice crackers) are sold, and if you buy them, deer around you will approach you.

    Also, events called “shikayose” (huddling deer) are sometimes performed by playing a horn, and a herd of deer in the event is worth seeing.

    Few years ago, images/videos of deer in Nara Park became small news, because deer seemed to obey the traffic signals.

    Since deer can’t identify the color of the signals, they might wait for cars to stop or be attuned to around people.

    Anyway, I think they are a very smart animal.

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