CultureEssayFoodJapanese traditionUncorrected

Juice’s Label

  • Japanese people call various beverages “juice(ジュース).”

    For example, apple drink, orange soda, isotonic drink, etc., all of them are called “ジュース” in Japan.

    So you might confuse whether the juice that was appeared in your conversation is 100% fruit juice or not.

    However, there is a law about labels (maybe as with other countries).

    If the percentage of the fruit juice is less than 5%, it is forbidden to draw a realistic fruit illustration to the label.

    If the percentage of fruit juice is equal to or more than 5% and less than 100%, it is possible to draw a realistic fruit illustration, but it is forbidden to draw a cross-section of the fruit to the label.

    If the percentage of fruit juice is 100%, it is possible to draw a realistic fruit illustration and a cross-section of the fruit to the label.

    Therefore, you can determine whether the drink is juice or not from the illustration on the label.

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