
Important to me or important for me

  • I heard a phrase like “that is important to me,” in a US drama.

    私はアメリカのドラマで、”That is important to me.” のようなフレーズを聞きました。

    I often use the phrase “important for me,” but have never used the phrase “important to me,” so I searched them.
    私は、”important for me” というフレーズをよく使用しますが、”important to me” とどう違うのか気になったので、調べました。

    As a result, I found the following things:

    ・In the case of using a sense subject like “it is important for me to…,” we must use “for me.”
    ・”It is important for me to…” のような意味上の主語が使われる場合は、必ず “for me” を使う。

    ・In the case like “this is important to me,” we usually use “to me.”
    ・”This is important to me.” のような場合は、通常 “to me” を使う。

    ・In the case like “you are important for/to my life,” for specific purposes, we can use both “for” and “to.”
    ・”You are important for/to my life.” のように、具体的な目的に対しては “for” でも “to” でも構わない。

    However, the nuances might differ.

    Also, I found sentences such as the followings:

    It is important to you for me to become a doctor.
    It is important to me for you to become a doctor.
    It is important to you for me to become a doctor.
    It is important to me for you to become a doctor.

    When I see these sentences suddenly, I would be thrown into utter chaos. Haha.

    Original sentence