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Nekura (根暗 – Gloomy Personality): Part 1

  • Nekura: Part 1

    根暗 Part 1

    People sometimes use the term nekura (根暗) to describe someone with a fundamentally dark personality.

    Nekura is short for shōne ga kurai (性根が暗い – meaning “one’s personality is dark”) and was coined by the manga artist Jun Ishikawa.
    「根暗」は “one’s personality is dark” を意味する「性根が暗い」という表現を省略した言葉で、漫画家のいしかわじゅん氏による造語とされています。

    In the 1980s, the famous TV entertainer Tamori became fond of this term and used it in a TV program, which led to its popularization.

    Originally, nekura means a personality that appears cheerful on the surface but is fundamentally dark. However, today, it is often used to describe a dark personality both on the surface and fundamentally.

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