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Emoi (エモい)

  • Emoi


    A Japanese publishing company named “Sanseidō,” which is known for publishing dictionaries, announces “Kotoshi no Shingo” (New Words of the Year) every year.

    Today, I learned the new term “emoi” (エモい), which was selected as the second most important word on the Kotoshi no Shingo 2016.

    “Emoi” is an adjective that represents something passionate or emotional, and is mainly used by young people and music lovers.

    As you would guess, “emoi” comes from the English word “emotion.”
    ネイティブの皆さんは想像がついているかもしれませんが、この言葉は英語の “emotion” から来ています。

    “Emoi” was born by shortening “emotion” and adding the suffix, “i,” which can change a noun to an adjective.
    “Emotion” を省略して、名詞を形容詞化する接尾語「い」を付けることで、「エモい」は生まれました。

    Incidentally, “emoi” was also used around 2000 by mainly young women, but it was short for “eroi kimoi,” which means “dirty and gross.”

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