CultureEssayGamingJapanese traditionOnomatopoeiaUncorrected

Takenoko Nyokki

  • Today, I will talk about the game “takenoko nyokki,” which had been played in a Japanese TV program.


    “Takenoko” means a bamboo shoot, and “nyokki” is an onomatopoeic word that represents a growth.

    (Yesterday, I talked about “gnocchi,” but its reading in Japan is completely the same as the reading of “nyokki.”)

    This game is normally played by around six persons, and it begins with a call “takenoko, takenoko, nyokkikki!” while joining their palms.

    After that, players declare “1 nyokki!” “2 nyokki!” in order while raising their hands.

    The declaration order is not determined, but if more than one person declare the same number, all of them will get defeated.

    In addition, the last person who didn’t declare will also get defeated.

    Although this is a simple game, it’s psychological and difficult to win.

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