CultureEssayIdiomJapanese traditionUncorrected

Boring things (Tsumaranai mono)

  • Boring things


    There is a Japanese traditional expression “tsumaranai mono desuga (which means something like ‘this is a boring thing’).”

    We would say this phrase when we brought someone something (presents).

    You might think “to give someone gift with such a bad word is strange.”

    Actually, this phrase implies something like “I chose this present wholeheartedly, but it could be a boring thing for splendid people like you.”

    I mean, this phrase is a kind of Japanesey honorific expressions.

    However, some people oppose to use this phrase because it’s difficult to carry the nuance to recent generations.

    By the way, my dictionary translate this phrase into “Here’s a little something for you.”
    ちなみに、辞書には「Here’s a little something for you」のように訳されています。

    Original sentence