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Guden Guden (ぐでんぐでん)

  • Yesterday we held a drinking party.


    I got back to work in the middle of the second party, but some people might have become a state called “guden guden” (ぐでんぐでん).

    “Guden guden” is a term that means that someone gets so drunk that he doesn’t know who he is.

    The “guden” (ぐでん) of “guden guden” comes from “kiden” (貴殿), which is a honorific title for a man.

    The “ki” (貴) of “kiden” means “you,” and “guden” was born by replacing it with “gu” (愚), which means “fool.”

    Previously, I introduced the Japanese term “hebereke,” which means a drunk state, but “guden guden” represents a much wors state than that.
    「貴殿」の「貴」は “you” を意味しますが、これが「愚か者」を意味する「愚(ぐ)」に置き換えられ、「愚殿(ぐでん)」という言葉ができました。


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