BusinessCultureEssayEtymologyJapanese traditionUncorrected

Maneki Neko

  • Yesterday, I wrote about beckoning gestures.


    Today, I will talk about “maneki neko,” which is posing with the beckoning gesture.

    Maneki neko is a traditional Japanese kind of figure in the shape of a cat, and is a lucky charm (which is called “engimono” in Japan) for business success.

    It is said that maneki with the right forepaw raised brings economic fortune, and that with the left forepaw raised attracts customers.

    By the way, the former is a male cat, and the latter is a female cat.

    Recently, you can file maneki neko with the both forepaws, but many of us don’t like it very much because the gesture implies a surrender.

    There are several theories about where the maneki neko came from, and I think that it began when we likened a grooming of a cat to a beckoning gesture.

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