CultureEssayHistoryJapanese traditionUncorrected

Shinjuku Station

  • Today, I’d like to introduce Shinjuku Station, which is one of the largest stations in Japan.


    Shinjuku Station is placed in Tokyo, and it is the terminal station of five railway companies.

    This station is really large, an average of 3.5 million people get on and off a day here(Guinness World Records).

    The exit from the station is more than 30, so it’s a kind of maze to me.

    If you search for “新宿駅(Shinhuku Station)” on Google Image Search, very complex maps will come out.

    By the way, an RPG app “新宿ダンジョン(Shinhuku dungeon)”, which explore Shinjuku Station, was released in Japan.
    Google 画像検索で「新宿駅」を調べると、とても複雑な地図が出てきます。

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