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The 700th Post

  • This is my 700th post.


    When I was thinking “hmm, what should I write about today,” I found that the number of my entries written is 699.

    I am a little relieved because I don’t need to search for today’s topic.
    「今日は何を投稿しよう」とネタを探していたとき、ふと「投稿数 699」という数字が見えて気が付きました。

    I have managed to continue posting on Lang-8 every day, but recently, it has come to take a long time to choose a topic.

    I think that I already wrote about most trivia, Japanese cultures and phrases that I know.

    It’s a difficult problem to search for topics.

    Since I will go to Belgium to perform my presentation on a conference next February, maybe I should improve my speaking and listening skills instead of writing.

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