
Danger of Pajamas

  • According to the mattress manufacturer Ergoflex, men use their pajamas for an average of 13 days, and women use pajamas for an average of 17 days, without washing them.


    I also don’t wash pajamas for about one week.
    マットレスメーカー Ergoflex 社の調査によると、男性は平均13日、女性は平均17日間、同じパジャマを洗わずに使っているそうです。

    However, even if your pajamas don’t smell, there seems to be a lot of skin cells and bacteria.

    They are usually harmless when they are on your skins or in your intestines, but they could cause an cystitis or an infection from your cuts.

    In addition, if you wash your pajamas that have not been washed more than two weeks, bacteria on your pajamas could be transferred to your other clothes.

    A professional man are recommending that people who take a shower before sleeping wash their pajamas at least once a week, and people who take a shower in the morning wash their pajamas once a three days.

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