
Buffon’s Needle

  • Today, I’d like to talk about the problem called “Buffon’s needle,” which was posed by mathematician Buffon.


    This problem is something like the following:

    1. Suppose you draw parallel lines with the same width on a floor, and drop a needle there.

    2. What is the probability that the needle and any of the lines cross.
    平行線の間隔を 2 cm、針の長さを 1 cm とすると、針と平行線が交わる確率は 1/π となります。

    If the width between lines is 2 cm, and the length of the needle is 1 cm, the probability will become 1/π.

    This means that you can obtain an approximate value of pi by dropping needles.
    数学者ラザニアは、針を3408回投げて、円周率の近似値 355/113 (= 3.1415929…) を得たとされています。

    Mathematician Lasagna dropped a needle 3,408 times, and obtained the approximation of pi, 355/113 (equals 3.1419529…).

    By the way, conducting this experiment on a computer is meaningless, because you need the value of pi when you generate a needle’s angle randomly or check whether or not the needle and lines cross.

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