
How to Pronounce Abbreviations

  • Today, I learned laws of how to pronounce abbreviations.

    Firstly, if the abbreviation is composed of 2 characters, it should be pronounced in unabbreviated form.

    For example, “i.e.” is pronounced “that is,” and “e.g.” is pronounced “for example.”

    Secondly, if the abbreviation is composed of 3 characters, it should be pronounced each characters.

    For example, “WHO,” “TPP,” “ODA,” and “FBI.”

    Thirdly, if the abbreviation is composed of 4 or more characters, it should be pronounced literally.

    For example, “NATO,” “AIDS,” “NASA,” and “UNESCO.”

    However, there are many exceptions.

    For example, “UCLA” is pronounced “yuu-see-el-ei,” “MIT” is sometimes pronounced “mit.”

    I think the way of pronounce depends on its readability, understandability, and degree of coolness.

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