
The Longest English Word

  • It was written that interesting things as the followings on a web site:


    ・”Almost” is the longest English word with all letters alphabetically sorted.
    ・”Rhythm” is the longest English word without vowels.
    ・全ての文字がアルファベット順になっている最も長い単語は “almost”。
    ・全ての文字が子音で構成されている最も長い単語は “rhythm”。

    Since it was interesting for me that such familiar words are the longest, I searched these things.

    Then, “aegilops” and “Adelops” were found as words whose letters are in alphabetical order.
    すると、全ての文字がアルファベット順になっている単語は、他にも “aegilops” や “Adelops” が見つかりました。

    That is, “almost” is an almost longest English word with all letters alphabetically sorted.
    すなわち、”almost” は “ほとんど” 最長のアルファベット順の英単語です。

    Also, “symphysy,” “nymphly” and “TWYNDYLLYNG” were found as words without vowels.
    また、全ての文字が子音で構成されている単語は、”symphysy” や “nymphly,” “TWYNDYLLYNG” が見つかりました。

    Furthermore, it is said that the “y” of the “rhythm” is a vowel, isn’t it?
    更に、”rhythm” は “y” が母音だとも言われています。

    In this way, there is a little difference between the facts and the written things.

    I think that the author wanted to make an impact, so he used familiar words as the longest English words.

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