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【No. 2320】Koeru (肥える - Getting Weight): Part 1

Feb 27, 2024 09:43
Koeru: Part 1

Today, I would like to introduce the usage of the verb koeru (肥える).

Basically, koeru means for people or animals to gain weight by eating.

Since it includes the nuance of gaining weight by absorbing nutrition, it will sound healthier than simply saying futoru (太る - meaning "to get weight" or "to get fat").

(Of course, note that it can often be rude to use these words towards someone else.)

As mentioned above, koeru has a meaning similar to futoru when used by itself toward a person or animal. However, when it is used for a specific organ of the human body, it has a different meaning.
肥える Part 1






Corrections (2)

No. 1 O-Star
  • Koeru (肥える - Getting Weight): Part 1
  • Koeru (肥える - Gaining Weight): Part 1
  • Koeru: Part 1
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today, I would like to introduce the usage of the verb 'koeru' (肥える).
  • Today, I would like to introduce ways of using the verb 'koeru' (肥える).
  • Basically, 'koeru' means for people or animals to gain weight by eating.
  • Basically, 'koeru' is a verb that means gaining weight by eating food. It is used for people and animals.
  • Since it includes the nuance of gaining weight by absorbing nutrition, it will sound healthier than simply saying 'futoru' (太る - meaning "to get weight" or "to get fat").
  • Since it includes the nuance of gaining weight by absorbing nutrition, it will sound healthier than simply saying 'futoru' (太る - meaning "to gain weight" or "to become fat").
  • (Of course, note that it can often be rude to use these words towards someone else.)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • As mentioned above, 'koeru' has a meaning similar to 'futoru' when used by itself toward a person or animal.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, when it is used for a specific organ of the human body, it has a different meaning.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you for the corrections!
You're welcome.
No. 2 friendfromfaraway
  • Today, I would like to introduce the usage of the verb 'koeru' (肥える).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since it includes the nuance of gaining weight by absorbing nutrition, it will sound healthier than simply saying 'futoru' (太る - meaning "to get weight" or "to get fat").
  • Since it includes the nuance of gaining weight by absorbing nutrition, it has a connotation of being healthier than simply saying 'futoru' (太る - meaning "to get weight" or "to get fat").
  • (Of course, note that it can often be rude to use these words towards someone else.)
  • (Of course, note that it can often be rude to use either of these words towards someone else.)
  • As mentioned above, 'koeru' has a meaning similar to 'futoru' when used by itself toward a person or animal.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, when it is used for a specific organ of the human body, it has a different meaning.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

Hello Toru! Thank you again for your enlightening post, as always.

With Lang-8 shutting down, do you plan to continue posting on either Nyan-8 and/or LangCorrect? I am a member of both those sites using the same username as the one I have now.

It's been a pleasure learning so much from your awesome journal entries, and I hope to see you again sometime in the future!

Hello, friendfromfaraway-san. Thank you for always checking my entries. :)
I've also registered on Nyan-8 with the same username and exported my data! I'm considering whether to post on Nyan-8, on X (, or on my own website. I would be happy to maintain our relationship moving forward!
