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【No. 2306】Tōfu ni Kasugai (豆腐に鎹 - Having No Effect)

Feb 13, 2024 22:09
Tōfu ni Kasugai

The Japanese proverb tōfu ni kasugai (豆腐に鎹) is used to describe the lack of response or ineffectiveness in something.

Tōfu (豆腐 - tofu) is a soft food made from soybeans.
Kasugai (鎹 - clamp) is a U-shaped nail used for joining wood.

As you can easily imagine, trying to drive a clamp into soft tofu will result in no response or effect.

Incidentally, I introduced the slang term tōfu mental (豆腐メンタル), which means a soft and delicate mentality like tofu.

Driving a clamp into the tofu mentality might have a significant effect, which leads to the collapse of the mentality.


「豆腐」・・・ アジアで広く消費される大豆を原料とした加工食品
「鎹」・・・ 木材をつなぎとめるコの字型の釘




Corrections (1)

No. 1 O-Star
  • Tōfu ni Kasugai (豆腐に鎹 - Having No Effect)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Tōfu ni Kasugai
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The Japanese proverb 'tōfu ni kasugai' (豆腐に鎹) is used to describe the lack of response or ineffectiveness in something.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • ・'Tōfu' (豆腐 - tofu) is a soft food made from soybeans.
  • ・'Tōfu' (豆腐 - tofu) is a type of soft food made from soybeans.
  • ・'Kasugai' (鎹 - clamp) is a U-shaped nail used for joining wood.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • As you can easily imagine, trying to drive a clamp into soft tofu will result in no response or effect.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, I introduced the slang term 'tōfu mental' (豆腐メンタル), which means a soft and delicate mentality like tofu.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Driving a clamp into the tofu mentality might have a significant effect, which leads to the collapse of the mentality.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you for the correction!
You're welcome.
