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【No. 2228】Aritei ni Moushi Masu to (有り体に申しますと - To Be Honest)

Nov 27, 2023 17:42
Aritei ni Moushi Masu to

In a formal situation, when you want to say something honestly, you can use the Japanese phrase aritei ni moushi masu to (有り体に申しますと).

Since aritei (有り体) means "as it is," and moushi/mousu (申し/申す) is a humble form of "to say," aritei ni moushi masu to literally means "if I say it as it is."

If you want to use a more common phrase, you can use the terms shōjiki (正直 - "honest") and iu (言う - "to say") and say shōjiki ni iu to (正直に言うと - "to be honest with you").

There are several other phrases that can be used when trying to say something honestly, but I think that aritei ni moushi masu to is the most formal expression.


「有り体」は「ありのまま」や「世間並み」、「申し/申す」は「言う」の謙譲語なので、「有り体に申しますと」は文字どおり "if I say it as it is" という意味になります。

もう少し一般的な言い方をしたい場合、"honest" を意味する「正直」と、"to say" を意味する「言う」を追加って、「正直に言いますと」のように言うことができます。


Corrections (1)

No. 1 O-Star
  • Aritei ni Moushi Masu to (有り体に申しますと - To Be Honest)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Aritei ni Moushi Masu to
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In a formal situation, when you want to say something honestly, you can use the Japanese phrase 'aritei ni moushi masu to' (有り体に申しますと).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since 'aritei' (有り体) means "as it is," and 'moushi/mousu' (申し/申す) is a humble form of "to say," 'aritei ni moushi masu to' literally means "if I say it as it is."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • If you want to use a more common phrase, you can use the terms 'shōjiki' (正直 - "honest") and 'iu' (言う - "to say") and say 'shōjiki ni iu to' (正直に言うと - "to be honest with you").
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • There are several other phrases that can be used when trying to say something honestly, but I think that 'aritei ni moushi masu to' is the most formal expression.
  • There are several other phrases that can be used when trying to say something frankly, but I think that 'aritei ni moushi masu to' is the most formal expression.
Thank you for the correction!
You're welcome.
