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【No. 2044】Muri ga Tōreba Dōri Hikkomu (無理が通れば道理引っ込む - Might Makes Right)

May 27, 2023 16:19
Muri ga Tōreba Dōri Hikkomu

If forceful, unreasonable demands pass, the reason or justification may be no longer valid.

To describe such a situation, you can use the Japanese proverb, muri ga tōreba dōri hikkomu (無理が通れば道理引っ込む).

Since muri (無理) means "unreason," tōre/tōru (通る) means "to pass," dōri (道理) means "reason," and hikkomu (引っ込む) means "to step back," the literal meaning of this proverb is "When unreasons pass, reasons will step back."

In other words, when strong power or authority forces unreasonable demands to pass through, the thoughts of reason and justification will step back.



「無理」は "unreason"、「通れ/通る」は "to pass"、「道理」は "reason"、「引っ込む」は "to step back" を意味するので、このことわざの文字どおりの意味は "When unreasons pass, reasons will step back" となります。


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