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【No. 1895】Mushi ga Sukanai (虫が好かない - Just Don't Like)

Jul 4, 2021 13:37
Mushi ga Sukanai

When you do not like something without a specific reason, it can be expressed as mushi ga sukanai (虫が好かない) in Japanese.

Since mushi (虫) means "insect" and sukanai (好かない) means "do not like," the literal meaning of mushi ga sukanai is "an insect does not like it."

In the Edo period, people thought that insects lived in human bodies and affected their emotions and consciousness.

In other words, this phrase implies that "I do not know why, but the insect inside my body hates it."


「虫」は "insect"、「好かない」は "do not like" を意味するので、「虫が好かない」の文字どおりの意味は "an insect does not like it" となります。



Corrections (1)

No. 1 hakuame
  • Mushi ga Sukanai (虫が好かない - Just Don't Like)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • When you do not like something without a specific reason, it can be expressed as 'mushi ga sukanai' (虫が好かない) in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since 'mushi' (虫) means "insect" and 'sukanai' (好かない) means "do not like," the literal meaning of 'mushi ga sukanai' is "an insect does not like it."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In the Edo period, people thought that insects lived in human bodies and affected their emotions and consciousness.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In other words, this phrase implies that "I do not know why, but the insect inside my body hates it."
  • In other words, this phrase implies that "I don't know why, but the insect inside my body hates it."

    more common

is there an expression for liking something without knowing why ? just curious...
Thank you for correcting my post! :)

> is there an expression for liking something without knowing why ? just curious...

That's an interesting question. You can use the literal translation and say 何故か好き (I like it without knowing why), but I can't think of any idioms or expressions like 虫が好かない. If I come up with something, I'll share it with you!
Thank you :)
