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【No. 1883】Minazuki (水無月 - June)

Jun 22, 2021 11:00

In Japan, when referring to months such as "January" or "May," we almost always say the number of the month (1-12) first, followed by gatsu (月 - meaning "month").

However, in the past, Japanese people used a unique way of referring to months, called wafū getsumei (和風月名 - literally meaning "Japanese-style month names"), which is still sometimes used.

Now, June is minazuki (水無月).

Since mi/mizu (水) means "water," na (無) usually means "no/nothing" but here it means "of," and zuki/tsuki (月) means "month," the literal meaning of minazuki is "month of water."

It is said that the name minazuki came from the fact that people let water flow to a rice field in this month.




「水」は "water"、「無」は通常 "no/nothing" ですが、ここでは格助詞「の」を、「月」は "month" を意味するので、「水無月」の文字どおりの意味は "month of water" となります。


Corrections (1)

No. 1 squidlydeux
  • In Japan, when referring to months such as "January" or "May," we almost always say the number of the month (1-12) first, followed by 'gatsu' (月 - meaning "month").
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, in the past, Japanese people used a unique way of referring to months, called 'wafū getsumei' (和風月名 - literally meaning "Japanese-style month names"), which is still sometimes used.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Now, June is 'minazuki' (水無月).
  • This month, June is 'minazuki' (水無月).
  • Since 'mi/mizu' (水) means "water," 'na' (無) usually means "no/nothing" but here it means "of," and 'zuki/tsuki' (月) means "month," the literal meaning of 'minazuki' is "month of water."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is said that the name 'minazuki' came from the fact that people let water flow to a rice field in this month.
  • It is said that the name 'minazuki' came from the fact that people let water flow to the rice fields in this month.
Thank you for the correction! :)
