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【No. 1874】Ki no Doku (気の毒 - Feeling Sorry)

Jun 13, 2021 08:20
Ki no Doku

To be sorry or have sympathy for someone's misfortune or suffering is described as ki no doku (気の毒) in Japanese.

Since ki (気) means "feelings/heart" and doku (毒) means "poison," the literal meaning of ki no doku is "poison of feelings."

This phrase was originally used to refer to something that makes you feel bad like poison.

Later, it has come to have its current meaning, because someone's misfortune or suffering also makes you feel bad.

When expressing one's feelings of sympathy to a person who has suffered misfortune, Japanese people usually say oki no doku ni (お気の毒に - "I'm sorry to hear that").


「気」は "feeling/heart"、「毒」は "poison" を意味するので、「気の毒」の文字どおりの意味は "poison of feeling" となります。




Corrections (1)

No. 1 Hugh
  • To be sorry or have sympathy for someone's misfortune or suffering is described as 'ki no doku' (気の毒) in Japanese.
  • To feel sorry for someone or have sympathy for someone's misfortune or suffering is described as 'ki no doku' (気の毒) in Japanese.
Thank you for the correction! :)
