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【No. 1861】The Names of the Fingers for Children

May 31, 2021 13:56
The Names of the Fingers for Children

In my post yesterday, I introduced the common names of yubi (指 - meaning "fingers") in Japanese.

Today, I would like to talk about other names of the fingers that are commonly used for children.

Otōsan-yubi (お父さん指): The literal meaning is "the father finger," and it actually means "thumb."

Okāsan-yubi (お母さん指): The literal meaning is "the mother finger," and it actually means "index finger."

Onīsan-yubi (お兄さん指): The literal meaning is "the elder brother finger," and it actually means "middle finger."

Onēsan-yubi (お姉さん指): The literal meaning is "the elder sister finger," and it actually means "ring finger."

Akachan-yubi (赤ちゃん指): The literal meaning is "the baby finger," and it actually means "little finger."

In other words, each finger is likened to a family member.









Corrections (1)

No. 1 ニック
  • The Names of the Fingers for Children
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The Names of the Fingers for Children
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In my post yesterday, I introduced the common names of 'yubi' (指 - meaning "fingers") in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today, I would like to talk about other names of the fingers that are commonly used for children.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Otōsan-yubi' (お父さん指): The literal meaning is "the father finger," and it actually means "thumb."
  • 'Otōsan-yubi' (お父さん指): The literal meaning is "the father finger," and it actually means refers to the thumb.

    The grammar is perfect! However, people normally try to avoid using the same word twice in the same sentence. That is why I suggest "refers to" instead of "means."

  • 'Okāsan-yubi' (お母さん指): The literal meaning is "the mother finger," and it actually means "index finger."
  • 'Okāsan-yubi' (お母さん指): The literal meaning is "the mother finger," and it actually means refers to the index finger.
  • 'Onīsan-yubi' (お兄さん指): The literal meaning is "the elder brother finger," and it actually means "middle finger."
  • 'Onīsan-yubi' (お兄さん指): The literal meaning is "the elder brother finger," and it actually means refers to the middle finger.
  • 'Onēsan-yubi' (お姉さん指): The literal meaning is "the elder sister finger," and it actually means "ring finger."
  • 'Onēsan-yubi' (お姉さん指): The literal meaning is "the elder sister finger," and it actually means refers to the ring finger.
  • 'Akachan-yubi' (赤ちゃん指): The literal meaning is "the baby finger," and it actually means "little finger."
  • 'Akachan-yubi' (赤ちゃん指): The literal meaning is "the baby finger," and it actually means refers to the little finger.

    I normally say "pinky," though "little finger" is perfectly fine and is more formal : )

  • In other words, each finger is likened to a family member.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

I love this post! I think it's so adorable that each finger represents a family member.

By the way, your English is amazing : )

Thank you so much for the correction!
I'm glad to hear you say that! (^^)
