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【No. 1860】Finger Names

May 30, 2021 11:45
Finger Names

Today, I would like to introduce the common names of yubi (指 - meaning "fingers") in Japanese.

Oyayubi (親指 - "thumb"): Since oya (親) means "parent," the literal meaning of oyayubi is "parent's finger."

Hitosashiyubi (人差し指 - "index finger"): Since hito (人) means "person" and sashi (差し) means "pointing," the literal meaning of hitosashiyubi is "finger for pointing at a person."

Nakayubi (中指 - "middle finger"): Since naka (中) means "center," the literal meaning of nakayubi is "center finger."

Kusuriyubi (薬指 - "ring finger"): Since kusuri (薬) means "medicine," the literal meaning of kusuriyubi is "medicine finger."

Koyubi (小指 - "little finger"): Since ko (小) means "small," the literal meaning of koyubi is "small finger."


親指:「親」は "parent" を意味するので、「親指」の文字どおりの意味は "parent's finger" です。

人差し指:「人」は "person"、「指し」は "" を意味するので、「人差し指」の文字どおりの意味は "" です。

中指:「中」は "center" を意味するので、「中指」の文字どおりの意味は "center finger" です。

薬指:「薬」は "medicine" を意味するので、「薬指」の文字どおりの意味は "mecidine finger" です。

小指:「小」は "small" を意味するので、「小指」の文字どおりの意味は "small finger" です。

Corrections (1)

No. 1 yt3
  • Finger Names
  • The names of the fingers

    more natural

  • Today, I would like to introduce the common names of 'yubi' (指 - meaning "fingers") in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Oyayubi' (親指 - "thumb"): Since 'oya' (親) means "parent," the literal meaning of 'oyayubi' is "parent's finger."
  • 'Oyayubi' (親指 - "thumb"): Since 'oya' (親) means "parent," the literal meaning of 'oyayubi' is "the parent finger"

    or do you mean the finger belongs to the parent?

  • 'Hitosashiyubi' (人差し指 - "index finger"): Since 'hito' (人) means "person" and 'sashi' (差し) means "pointing," the literal meaning of 'hitosashiyubi' is "finger for pointing at a person."
  • 'Hitosashiyubi' (人差し指 - "index finger"): Since 'hito' (人) means "person" and 'sashi' (差し) means "pointing," the literal meaning of 'hitosashiyubi' is "finger for pointing at a person."
  • 'Nakayubi' (中指 - "middle finger"): Since 'naka' (中) means "center," the literal meaning of 'nakayubi' is "center finger."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Kusuriyubi' (薬指 - "ring finger"): Since 'kusuri' (薬) means "medicine," the literal meaning of 'kusuriyubi' is "medicine finger."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Koyubi' (小指 - "little finger"): Since 'ko' (小) means "small," the literal meaning of 'koyubi' is "small finger."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you for correcting my post!
> or do you mean the finger belongs to the parent?
I think that your suggestion "the parent finger" is what I wanted to say. :)
