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【No. 1840】Shōsoku (消息 - Letter/News)

May 10, 2021 22:14

A letter or news that informs what you have been doing lately is called shōsoku (消息) in Japanese.

Since shō (消) usually means "to vanish" and soku (息) usually means "breath," the literal meaning of shōsoku is "vanishing breath."

However, a vanishing breath could be taken to mean "death."

Actually, shō and soku can mean "death" and "life," respectively, so it originally meant "life and death."

Later, it came to means "to let someone know about your situation or condition," and changed to its current meaning, "a letter from you" or "news about you."


「消」は "to vanish"、「息」は通常 "breath" を意味するので、「消息」の文字どおりの意味は "vanishing breath" となります。




Corrections (2)

No. 1 hidoku
  • A letter or news that informs what you have been doing lately is called 'shōsoku' (消息) in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since 'shō' (消) usually means "to vanish" and 'soku' (息) usually means "breath," the literal meaning of 'shōsoku' is "vanishing breath."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, a vanishing breath could be taken to mean "death."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Actually, 'shō' and 'soku' can mean "death" and "life," respectively, so it originally meant "life and death."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Later, it came to means "to let someone know about your situation or condition," and changed to its current meaning, "a letter from you" or "news about you."
  • Afterwards its meaning changed to "to let someone know about your situation or condition," and currently it has the meaning of "a letter from you" or "news about you."

Very interesting!

Thank you for correcting my post! :)
No. 2 Fifi
  • Shōsoku (消息 - Letter/News)
  • Shōsoku (消息 - Newsletter)
Thank you for the correction! :)
