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【No. 1808】Okanmuri (お冠 - Bad Temper)

Apr 8, 2021 13:55

To describe that someone is angry or in a bad mood, Japanese people sometimes use the term okanmuri (お冠).

O (お) is a polite prefix and kanmuri (冠) means "crown."

It is believed that okanmuri came from the idiom kanmuri wo mageru (冠を曲げる).

Since mageru (曲げる) means "bend/angle," the literal meaning of kanmuri wo mageru is "to angle one's crown."

In the past, when showing rebellious spirits toward superiors or Emperors, Japanese aristocrats intentionally angled their crowns.

Because of this, kanmuri wo mageru came to mean "angry" or "bad mood," and it has become okanmuri for short.

Based on this etymology, okanmuri / kanmuri wo mageru is often used especially to describe the angry/bad mood of superiors.


「お」は丁寧の接頭辞、「冠」は "kanmuri" を意味します。


「曲げる」は "bend/angle" を意味するので、「冠を曲げる」の文字どおりの意味は "to angle one's crown" です。




Corrections (1)

No. 1 Amop567
  • To describe that someone is angrOkanmuri
  • To describe that someone is angry or in a bad mood


  • To describe that someone is angry or in a bad mood, Japanese people sometimes use the term 'okanmuri' (お冠).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'O' (お) is a polite prefix and 'kanmuri' (冠) means "crown."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is believed that 'okanmuri' came from the idiom 'kanmuri wo mageru' (冠を曲げる).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since 'mageru' (曲げる) means "bend/angle," the literal meaning of 'kanmuri wo mageru' is "to angle one's crown."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In the past, when showing rebellious spirits toward superiors or Emperors, Japanese aristocrats intentionally angled their crowns.
  • In the past, Japanese aristocrats intentionally angled their crowns in an expression of protest towards toward superiors or Emperors.

    Suggestion. "showing rebellious spirits" isn't really used.

  • Because of this, 'kanmuri wo mageru' came to mean "angry" or "bad mood," and it has become 'okanmuri' for short.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Based on this etymology, 'okanmuri' 'kanmuri wo mageru' is often used especially to describe the angry/bad mood of superiors.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

Didn't know this one thanks!

  • To describe that someone is angry or in a bad mood


Thank you for the correction!

> Typo?
Yes, I'm embarrassed!
