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【No. 1791】Kankodori (閑古鳥 - "Cuckoo")

Mar 22, 2021 14:54

In my post yesterday, I explained that cuckoos are not very auspicious in Japan.

A cuckoo is sometimes called kankodori (閑古鳥) in Japanese.

Since kan (閑) means "quiet," ko (古) means "old," and tori/dori (鳥) means "bird," the literal meaning of kankodori is a quiet old bird.

In addition, by adding naku (鳴く - meaning "call") to that, it becomes the idiom, kankodori ga naku (閑古鳥が鳴く - "a cuckoo calls").

Cuckoos' call echoes lonely in mountains far from town, giving a sad impression.

Because of this, the phrase kankodori ga naku became an idiom to describe a quiet store that is not prosperous.



「閑」は "quiet"、「古」は "old"、「鳥」は "bird" を意味するので、「閑古鳥」の文字どおりの意味は "quiet old bird" となります。

また、"call" を意味する「鳴く」をつけると、「閑古鳥が鳴く」という慣用句になります。



Corrections (1)

No. 1 Shuuanson
  • Kankodori
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In my post yesterday, I explained that cuckoos are not very auspicious in Japan.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • A cuckoo is sometimes called 'kankodori' (閑古鳥) in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since 'kan' (閑) means "quiet," 'ko' (古) means "old," and 'tori/dori' (鳥) means "bird," the literal meaning of 'kankodori' is a quiet old bird.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In addition, by adding 'naku' (鳴く - meaning "call") to that, it becomes the idiom, 'kankodori ga naku' (閑古鳥が鳴く - "a cuckoo calls").
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Cuckoos' call echoes lonely in mountains far from town, giving a sad impression.
  • Cuckoos' calls echoes lonely in mountains far from town, giving a sad impression.
  • Because of this, the phrase 'kankodori ga naku' became an idiom to describe a quiet store that is not prosperous.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

This was very interesting! I'm surprised that they are regarded as quiet birds in Japan, but to be honest, I've never actually met one before, so I wouldn't know :)

Thank you for the correction!
Cuckoos might not really be quiet birds, but we have an image that cuckoos sing in a quiet place. :)
