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【No. 1783】Harapeko (腹ペコ - Being Hungry)

Mar 14, 2021 16:43

When describing that you are hungry, you can use the casual term harapeko (腹ぺこ).

Hara (腹) means "stomach," and peko (ぺこ) is short for the onomatopoeia pekopeko (ぺこぺこ), which represents that something is dented.

As you can guess, this term comes from the fact that you feel your stomach is dented when being hungry.

You can also say onaka ga pekopeko (お腹がぺこぺこ) without abbreviation. Here, ‘onaka’ (お腹) is a polite expression for ‘hara’ (腹).

Incidentally, the onomatopoeia pekopeko can also represent that someone bows many times.


「腹」は "stomach"、「ぺこ」は何かが凹んでいることを表す擬態語「ぺこぺこ」の省略です。




Corrections (1)

No. 1 polgee
  • Harapeko
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • When describing that you are hungry, you can use the casual term 'harapeko' (腹ぺこ).
  • When describing that you are one is hungry, you one can use the casual term 'harapeko' (腹ぺこ).
  • 'Hara' (腹) means "stomach," and 'peko' (ぺこ) is short for the onomatopoeia 'pekopeko' (ぺこぺこ), which represents that something is dented.
  • 'Hara' (腹) means "stomach," and 'peko' (ぺこ) is short for the onomatopoeia 'pekopeko' (ぺこぺこ), which represents (More common - "means") that something is dented. (Alternatively - which expresses the sound of thin metal as it dents and collapses)
  • As you can guess, this term comes from the fact that you feel your stomach is dented when being hungry.
  • As you can guess, this term comes from the fact that you one feels your one's stomach is dented when being/feeling hungry.
  • You can also say 'onaka ga pekopeko' (お腹がぺこぺこ) without abbreviation.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Here, ‘onaka’ (お腹) is a polite expression for ‘hara’ (腹).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, the onomatopoeia 'pekopeko' can also represent that someone bows many times.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you for correcting my post! :)
