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【No. 1743】Umi no Sachi, Yama no Sachi (海の幸と山の幸) Part 1

Sep 25, 2019 09:40
Umi no Sachi, Yama no Sachi Part 1

Yesterday, I introduced some foods that are often eaten in fall/autumn in Japan.

In particular, something caught in the sea, such as saury, is called umi no sachi (海の幸), and something caught in mountains, such as chestnuts or mushrooms, is called yama no sachi (山の幸).

Since umi (海) means "sea," yama (山) means "mountain," and sachi (幸) means "products," the literal meaning of umi no sachi and yama no sachi are "sea products" and "mountain products," respectively.

To be continued.
海の幸、山の幸 Part 1



「海」は "sea"、「山」は "mountain"、「幸」は "products" を意味するので、「海の幸」と「山の幸」の文字どおりの意味は "sea products" と "mountain products" になります。


Corrections (1)

No. 1 シャル❇️
  • Since 'umi' (海) means "sea," 'yama' (山) means "mountain," and 'sachi' (幸) means "products," the literal meaning of 'umi no sachi' and 'yama no sachi' are "sea products" and "mountain products," respectively.
  • Since 'umi' (海) means "sea," 'yama' (山) means "mountain," and 'sachi' (幸) means "products," the literal meaning of 'umi no sachi' and 'yama no sachi' are "sea products" and "mountain products," respectively.

    'Products' is not wrong. But maybe I would use 'produce(noun)' or 'harvest' , in reference to 'something caught in sea/mountains'.

Thank you for the correction! :)
My pleasure
