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【No. 1739】Tsuki (月 - Moon)

Sep 21, 2019 16:26

I like to see tsuki (月).

Tsuki (月) means "moon," and there are several theories about its etymology.

One theory says that it comes from the term tsugi (次ぎ), which means "next," because the moon is bright next to the sun.

Another theory says that it comes from tsuki/tsuki-ru (尽き/尽きる), which means "run out," because the brightness of the moon runs out once a month.

Incidentally, it was announced that the game "Moon" for PlayStation released in 1997 will be distributed on Switch next month, then it has become a hot topic in Japan.


「月」は "moon" を意味する単語で、語源は諸説あります。

ある説では、月は太陽の次に明るく輝くことから "next" を意味する「次ぎ」に由来するとしています。

またある説では、月に一度その輝きが尽きることから、"run out" を意味する「尽き(る)」に由来するとしています。


Corrections (1)

No. 1 仮名
  • Tsuki (月 - Moon)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I like to see 'tsuki' (月).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Tsuki' (月) means "moon," and there are several theories about its etymology.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • One theory says that it comes from the term 'tsugi' (次ぎ), which means "next," because the moon is bright next to the sun.
  • One theory says that it comes from the term 'tsugi' (次ぎ), which means "next," because the moon is bright next to the sun.

    Do you mean the moon is bright because of the sun's light?

  • Another theory says that it comes from 'tsuki/tsuki-ru' (尽き/尽きる), which means "run out," because the brightness of the moon runs out once a month.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, it was announced that the game "Moon" for PlayStation released in 1997 will be distributed on Switch next month, then it has become a hot topic in Japan.
  • Incidentally, it was announced that the game "Moon" for PlayStation released in 1997 will be distributed on Switch next month, so it has become a hot topic in Japan.

Those are some interesting theories. I like the 次 one the most.

Thank you for the correction!
> Do you mean the moon is bright because of the sun's light?
Sorry, I wanted to mean that the brightness of the moon is the second largest (the brightest one is the sun).
Ah, I see.
"because the moon is second only to the sun in brightness."
I know this sentence is a bit complicated, but I think it sounds the best.
Thank you for the suggestion!
I learned something new. :)
