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【No. 1731】Kubi no Kawa Ichimai de Tsunagaru (首の皮一枚で繋がる - Hanging by a Thread)

Sep 13, 2019 20:54
Kubi no Kawa Ichimai de Tsunagaru

Today I would like to introduce a phrase that describes my current situation.

It is kubi no kawa ichimai de tsunagaru (首の皮一枚で繋がる).

Since kubi (首) means "neck," kawa (皮) means "skin," "ichimai" (一枚) means "one layer," and tsunagaru (繋がる) means "to connect," the literal meaning of this phrase is "one's neck is connected only with one layer of the skin."

You may think that such a situation where one's head and body are connected only with the skin is already hopeless.

However, actually, this phrase is used to mean that something is not over yet or someone hangs by a thread.



「首」は "neck"、「皮」は "skin"、「一枚」は "one layer"、「繋がる」は "to connect" を意味するので、このフレーズの文字どおりの意味は "one's neck is connected only with one layer of the skin" となります。



Corrections (2)

No. 1 KacieSensei
  • Since 'kubi' (首) means "neck," 'kawa' (皮) means "skin," "ichimai" (一枚) means "one layer," and 'tsunagaru' (繋がる) means "to connect," the literal meaning of this phrase is "one's neck is connected only with one layer of the skin."
  • Since 'kubi' (首) means "neck," 'kawa' (皮) means "skin," "ichimai" (一枚) means "one layer," and "tsunagaru" (繋がる) means "to connect," the literal meaning of this phrase is "one's neck is connected only with one layer of the skin."

Huh, I hadn't heard that one before! 勉強になりました。Thank you!

Thank you for the correction! :)
No. 2 pepperdirt

Nothing really needs corrected here.

All I can offer are other phrases that you may know that are similar to this one

"There's still ―" { hope / a glimmer of hope }
"All ― not lost " { is / hope is }
"He's holding on by the ―" { skin of his teeth }"

I'm glad you still have hope to get out of your situation. Don't give up!

oh, btw ( by the way ) that's a new phrase for me too!
Thanks for the entry! (^^/
Thank you for the correction and your kind comment! (^^)
I learned something new. :)
