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【No. 1725】Internet Slang Terms for Expressing Laughing Part 1

Sep 7, 2019 16:47
Internet Slang Terms for Expressing Laughing Part 1

On the internet, there are various slang terms that express laughing.

"Haha" and "lol (laugh out loud)" are often used in English, whereas 「(笑)」「w」, and「草」 are used in Japan.

「(笑)」 has been the most commonly used to express laughing on the internet, and the kanji 笑 (read as 'warai/wara') literally means "laugh."

I enclosed 笑 in parentheses in the above, but you can also write just 笑 without parentheses.

Note that it is not good to use 笑 (without parentheses) next to other kanji characters, because it is not easy to read and understand.

To be continued.
笑いのインターネットスラング Part 1


英語には "haha" や "lol (laugh out loud)" がありますが、日本語では「(笑)」や「w」「草」などになります。

「(笑)」はネット上でもっともよく使われてきた笑いの表現で、文字どおり "laughing" を意味します。




Corrections (2)

No. 1 シャル❇️

Why is 草 used ?

I explained that in the following my post. :)
Great. Thanks.
No. 2 teamjenny
  • Internet Slang Terms for Expressing Laughing Part 1
  • Internet Slang Terms for Expressing Laughing Part 1
  • "Haha" and "lol (laugh out loud)" are often used in English, whereas 「(笑)」「w」, and「草」 are used in Japan.
  • "Haha" and "lol (laugh out loud)" are often used in English, whereas 「(笑)」「w」, and「草」 are used in Japanese.
  • 「(笑)」 has been the most commonly used to express laughing on the internet, and the kanji 笑 (read as 'warai/wara') literally means "laugh."
  • 「(笑)」 has been the most commonly used term to express laughing on the internet, and the kanji 笑 (read as 'warai/wara') literally means "laugh."
  • I enclosed 笑 in parentheses in the above, but you can also write just 笑 without parentheses.
  • I enclosed 笑 in parentheses in the above, but you can also write just 笑 without parentheses.
Thank you for correcting my post! :)
