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【No. 1718】Osusowake (おすそわけ - Sharing)

Sep 2, 2019 13:00

When distributing goods or benefits that you received to your friends or others, it is called osusowake (おすそわけ).

O (お) is a polite prefifx, suso (すそ) means "hem (of kimono)," wake (わけ) means "to distribute/divide," so the literal meaning of osusowake is "to distribute one's hems."

Here, since "hem" is the edge of clothes and are close to the ground, it can also mean "trivial thing" or "unimportant thing."

Because of this, osusowake originally meant to distribute something to lower-ranking people -- some people think that it is rude to use this word to higher-ranking people.


「お」は丁寧の接頭辞、「すそ」は "hem"、「分け」は "to distribute/divide" を意味するので、「おすそわけ」の文字どおりの意味は "to distribute one's hems" となります。



Corrections (1)

No. 1 シャル❇️
  • 'O' (お) is a polite prefifx, 'suso' (すそ) means "hem (of kimono)," 'wake' (わけ) means "to distribute/divide," so the literal meaning of 'osusowake' is "to distribute one's hems."
  • 'O' (お) is a polite prefix, 'suso' (すそ) means "hem (of kimono)," 'wake' (わけ) means "to distribute/divide," so the literal meaning of 'osusowake' is "to distribute one's hems."
  • Here, since "hem" is the edge of clothes and are close to the ground, it can also mean "trivial thing" or "unimportant thing."
  • Here, since "hem" is at the edge of clothes and is close to the ground, it can also mean "trivial thing" or "unimportant thing."

So, when giving a gift to someone you are visiting, if it's a higher-rank person, is it ok if I say 'つまらないものですが。。' while handing over the gift?

Thank you for the correction! :)

> So, when giving a gift to someone you are visiting, if it's a higher-rank person, is it ok if I say 'つまらないものですが。。' while handing over the gift?
It is okay because it's a traditional phrase when giving a gift. However, these days, some people think that the phrase つまらないものですが is not appropriate. It may be better to use 心ばかりのものですが (meaning "this is a small present").
In the following entry, I used the word "boring" as a translation of つまらない.
My pleasure.

Thank you for the detailed explanation. Wasn't aware about this word - 心ばかり. I'll use this from now on. :)
