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【No. 1700】Ichiban Saisho/Ichban Saigo (一番最初/一番最後 - First/Last)

Aug 17, 2019 21:45
Ichiban Saisho/Ichiban Saigo

I often hear and say the phrases, ichiban saisho (一番最初) and ichiban saigo (一番最後) in daily conversation.

Ichiban (一番) means "most," saisho (最初) means "first," and saigo (最後) means "latest," so the literal meanings of ichiban saisho and ichiban saigo are "the most first" and "the most last," respectively.

These are redundant expressions, and some people think they are not correct Japanese.

However, they may not be wrong if you think that saisho and saigo means a range (i.e., "first part" and "last part"), and ichiban refers to an edge point of the range.

You should not use ichiban saisho and ichiban saigo in formal documents, but I think that they have come to be widely accepted in daily conversation.


「一番」は "most"、「最初」は "fist"、「最後」は "last" を意味するので、「一番最初」と「一番最後」の文字どおりの意味は、それぞれ "the most first" と "the most last" になります。

これは重複表現(英語では "redundant expression")であり、正しくない日本語と考える人もいます。



Corrections (1)

No. 1 Sagan
  • I often hear and say the phrases, 'ichiban saisho' (一番最初) and 'ichiban saigo' (一番最後) in daily conversation.
  • I often hear and say the phrases, "ichiban saisho" (一番最初) and "ichiban saigo" (一番最後) in daily conversation.

    You should use double quotes when quoting words, not single quotes.
    The same applies to the rest of the entry, but I am too lazy to correct all of them. :)

  • However, they may not be wrong if you think that 'saisho' and 'saigo' means a range (i.
  • However, the expressions may not be wrong if you think that 'saisho' and 'saigo' means a range (i.

    At first I thought "they" referred to "some people", so I think replacing with "the expressions" makes it clearer.

  • e., "first part" and "last part"), and 'ichiban' refers to an edge point of the range.
  • e., "first part" and "last part"), and 'ichiban' refers to the beginning of the range.

English also has lots of redundancies!
Added bonus
Blend together
End result
Free gift

Thank you for correcting my post and letting me know the expressions!

About quotation marks, I am glad if you read my profile page. :)
