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【No. 1681】Harebutai (晴れ舞台 - Big Moment)

Jul 26, 2019 22:34

In most cases, everyone will have several harebutai (晴れ舞台) in his/her life.

Hare (晴れ) usually means "sunny," but it can also mean "radiant/beaming."

In addition, butai (舞台) means "stage," so the literal meaning of harebutai is a "radiant stage."

In other words, it is a very important and radiant moment in one's life.

For example, an entrance ceremony, a graduation ceremony, and a wedding ceremony can be described as harebutai.

Incidentally, the dressed-up and proud appearance in harebutai is called haresugata (晴れ姿 - "radiant appearance").


「晴れ」は通常 "sunny" を意味しますが、"radiant/beaming" を意味することもあります。

また、「舞台」は "stage" を意味するので、「晴れ舞台」の文字どおりの意味は "radiant stage" となります。




Corrections (1)

No. 1 okonomiyaki
  • Harebutai
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In most cases, everyone will have several 'harebutai' (晴れ舞台) in his/her life.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Hare' (晴れ) usually means "sunny," but it can also mean "radiant/beaming."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In addition, 'butai' (舞台) means "stage," so the literal meaning of 'harebutai' is a "radiant stage."
  • In addition, 'butai' (舞台) means "stage," so the literal meaning of 'harebutai' is a "radiant stage."
  • In other words, it is a very important and radiant moment in one's life.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • For example, an entrance ceremony, a graduation ceremony, and a wedding ceremony can be described as 'harebutai'.
  • For example, an entrance ceremony, a graduation ceremony, or a wedding ceremony can be described as 'harebutai'.

    The second a is not incorrect, I think in order to sound less repetitive we can take this out.

  • Incidentally, the dressed-up and proud appearance in 'harebutai' is called 'haresugata' (晴れ姿 - "radiant appearance").
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

Thank you for teaching me about harebutai!

Thank you for the correction! :)
