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【No. 1680】Jinkō Chinō (人工知能 - Artificial Intelligence)

Jul 25, 2019 20:17
Jinkō Chinō

Jinkō Chinō (人工知能) is one of the major themes of the academic conference I am participating in.

Since jin (人) means "human" or "people" and (工) means "create," jinko (人工) means "man-made" or "artificial."

In addition, since chi (知) means "knowledge" and (能) means "ability," chinō (知能) means "intelligence."

As you can guess, jinkō chinō literally means "artificial intelligence (AI)."

In Japan, this stream of AI is described as "the third artificial intelligence boom," and it is expected to use AI in various fields.


「人」は "human" や "people"、「工」は "create" を意味するので、「人工」の意味は "man-made" や "artificial" となります。

また、「知」は "knowledge"、「能」は "ability" を意味するので、「知能」の意味は "Intelligence" となります。

ご想像のとおり、「人工知能」は文字どおり "artificial inteligence (AI)" を意味します。


Corrections (1)

No. 1 David
  • In Japan, this stream of AI is described as "the third artificial intelligence boom," and it is expected to use AI in various fields.
  • In Japan, this stream of AI is described as "the third artificial intelligence boom," and it is expected to use AI in various fields.

    It makes sense as written. For some reason it lacks a "feeling" that feels like a let down.

    Using "stream" doesn't seem quite right. Maybe "this incarnation of AI" or some other word like that.

    Also, "expected to use.." seems like it's missing something. Maybe "expected to expand/extend/whatever the use of AI..."

Is the conference available online? The subject interests me. Are you giving another speech?

Another, as always, enlightening post.

Thank you for the correction!
The conference name is "JAMIT 2019." Unfortunately, their contents are not available online (only the subjects are available).
Would you believe I participated in the first major "incarnation" (did you come up with a better word?) of AI? In 1989 I helped bring in an expert system program (I haven't heard that term in years) in the company I worked for. It went from AI spring to AI winter in about 6 months.

I worked for AT&T. (Southwestern Bell). There was a "guru" who had convinced management that a rule based system could replace the method they were using to rate telephone calls (a billing related function) and by doing so eliminate a dozen programmers. . Good idea but the technology wasn't up to it then. If you like behind the scene stories you might like this one.
Wow, that's amazing! And the historical stories of AI sound interesting. I will try to check that on the web. :)
