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【No. 1649】Shiodoki (潮時 - Time/Chance)

Jun 24, 2019 22:38

Everything has its shiodoki (潮時).

Shio (潮) means "tide" abd doki/toki (時) means "time," so the literal meaning of shiodoki is "time when the tide comes in and goes out."

Originally, shiodoki was used to its literal meaning among fishermen.

For the fishermen, such moments of high tide and low tide were one of the most important indicators to decide when to go out to sea.

Because of this, shiodoki came to be widely used as a word that means the best time to start or finish something.

Incidentally, about 40% of Japanese people mistake the meaning of shiodoki to be "time to quit/leave (in a negative sense)."


「潮」は "tide"、「時」は "time" を意味するので、「潮時」の文字どおりの意味は "time when the tide comes in and goes out" となります。





Corrections (2)

No. 1 nisha
  • Originally, 'shiodoki' was used to its literal meaning among fishermen.
  • Originally, 'shiodoki' was used only among fishermen and in literal sense.
  • For the fishermen, such moments of high tide and low tide were one of the most important indicators to decide when to go out to sea.
  • For the fishermen, such moments of high tide and low tide were one of the most important indicators for deciding when to go out to sea.
  • Because of this, 'shiodoki' came to be widely used as a word that means the best time to start or finish something.
  • Hence, 'shiodoki' came to be widely used as a word that means the best time to start or finish something.
Thank you for the correction! :)
No. 2 Yalmar
  • Shiodoki (潮時 - Time/Chance)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Shiodoki
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Everything has its 'shiodoki' (潮時).
  • Everything has its own 'shiodoki' (潮時).
  • 'Shio' (潮) means "tide" abd 'doki/toki' (時) means "time," so the literal meaning of 'shiodoki' is "time when the tide comes in and goes out."
  • 'Shio' (潮) means "tide" and 'doki/toki' (時) means "time," so the literal meaning of 'shiodoki' is "time when the tide comes in and goes out."
  • Originally, 'shiodoki' was used to its literal meaning among fishermen.
  • Originally, 'shiodoki' was used with its literal meaning among fishermen.
  • For the fishermen, such moments of high tide and low tide were one of the most important indicators to decide when to go out to sea.
  • For the fishermen, such moments of high tide and low tide were one of the most important indicators to decide when to go out to sea.

    to decide when to go out to sea = to decide when they should sail

  • Because of this, 'shiodoki' came to be widely used as a word that means the best time to start or finish something.
  • Because of this, 'shiodoki' came to be widely used as a word that means the best time to start or finish something.

    Because of this = That's why

  • Incidentally, about 40% of Japanese people mistake the meaning of 'shiodoki' to be "time to quit/leave (in a negative sense)."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you for correcting me! (^^)
You're welcome! :)
