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【No. 1625】Shizentai (自然体 - Being Oneself)

May 31, 2019 22:02

I might not be good at being shizentai (自然体).

Since shizen (自然) means "natural" and tai (体) means "body" or "posture," the literal meaning of shizentai is "natural body" or "natural posture."

Originally, this term was used to mean a basic standing posture/stance in jūdō (柔道 - "the Japanese art of self-defense") or kendō (剣道 - "the Japanese art of fencing").

Later, it came to have the meaning of a natural attitude with no pressure or tension.

This term can be translated into English as "being oneself."


「自然」は "natural"、「体」は "body/posture" を意味するので、「自然体」の文字どおりの意味は "natural body/posture" となります。



英語では "being oneself" のように言うことができます。

Corrections (1)

No. 1 Oceanier
  • Originally, this term was used to mean a basic standing posture/stance in 'jūdō' (柔道 - "the Japanese art of self-defense") or 'kendō' (剣道 - "the Japanese art of fencing").
  • Originally, this term meant/referred to a basic standing posture/stance in 'jūdō' (柔道 - "the Japanese art of self-defense") or 'kendō' (剣道 - "the Japanese art of fencing").

That's really interesting.

Thank you so much for the correction! :)
