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【No. 1606】Ateji (当て字 - Phonetic Equivalent) Part 2

May 12, 2019 22:11
Ateji Part 2

Yesterday, I introduced two meanings of ateji (当て字).

I would like to show you examples of them.

[Ateji based only on the readings of kanji]

・目茶苦茶(めちゃくちゃ - "unreasonable")
(目 means "eye," 茶 means "tea," and 苦 means "bitter.")

・出鱈目(でたらめ - "incoherent")
(出 means "come out," 鱈 means "Pacific cod," and 目 means "eye.")

・仏蘭西(フランス - "France")
(仏 means "Buddha," 蘭 means "orchid," and 西 means "west.")

[Ateji based only on the meanings of kanji]

・紅葉(もみじ - "autumn color")
(紅 means "red" and 葉 means "leaf.")

・紫水晶(アメジスト - "amethyst")
(紫 means "purple" and 水晶 means "crystal.")
当て字 Part 2










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