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【No. 1604】Shufu and Shufu (主婦と主夫 - Homemaker)

May 10, 2019 16:12
Shufu and Shufu

A married woman who manages her family's home and caring for her children is called shufu (主婦 - "housewife") in Japanese.

Since shu (主) means "principal" and fu (婦) means "lady," the literal meaning of shufu (主婦) is "principal lady."

On the other hand, these days men who manage his family's home are increasing, so another term shufu (主夫 - "househusband") has come to be used.

Since fu (夫) means "husband," the literal meaning of shufu (主夫) is "principal husband."

Note that both 主婦 and 主夫 have the same pronunciation.


「主」は "principal"、「婦」は "lady" を意味するので、「主婦」の文字どおりの意味は "principal lady" となります。


「夫」は "husband" を意味するので、「主夫」の文字どおりの意味は "principal husband" となります。

「主婦」も 「主夫」も全く同じ発音で紛らわしいので、注意して下さい。

英語ではどちらも意味する "" という中性的な言葉があるようです。

Corrections (1)

No. 1 alexandra
  • Shufu and Shufu (主婦と主夫 - Homemaker)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Shufu and Shufu
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • A married woman who manages her family's home and caring for her children is called 'shufu' (主婦 - "housewife") in Japanese.
  • A married woman who manages her family's home and caring cares for her children is called 'shufu' (主婦 - "housewife") in Japanese.
  • Since 'shu' (主) means "principal" and 'fu' (婦) means "lady," the literal meaning of 'shufu' (主婦) is "principal lady."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • On the other hand, these days men who manage his family's home are increasing, so another term 'shufu' (主夫 - "househusband") has come to be used.
  • On the other hand, these days men who manage his their family's home are increasing, so another term 'shufu' (主夫 - "househusband") has come to be used.
  • Since 'fu' (夫) means "husband," the literal meaning of 'shufu' (主夫) is "principal husband."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Note that both 主婦 and 主夫 have the same pronunciation.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you for correcting my post! :)
