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【No. 1571】Ice Cream and Shaved Ice

Apr 7, 2019 15:17
Ice Cream and Shaved Ice

Yesterday, I talked about kaki gōri (かき氷), which means "shaved ice."

Which do you think is "ice cream" or "shaved ice" colder?

Ice cream is around -7 degrees Celsius, whereas shaved ice is 0 degrees Celsius.

However, I think that many people feel that shaved ice is colder than ice cream.

Since milk fat and air bubbles that are contained in ice cream do not transfer heat well, shaved ice can draw heat away from your mouth faster than ice cream.

It is getting warmer lately, so I would like to eat either one.







Corrections (1)

No. 1 Ashtyn
  • Ice Cream and Shaved Ice
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Ice Cream and Shaved Ice
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Which do you think is "ice cream" or "shaved ice" colder?
  • Which do you think wouldis be colder: "ice cream" or "shaved ice" colder?
  • Ice cream is around -7 degrees Celsius, whereas shaved ice is 0 degrees Celsius.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, I think that many people feel that shaved ice is colder than ice cream.
  • However, I think that many people pferceivel that shaved ice is colder than ice cream.
  • Since milk fat and air bubbles that are contained in ice cream do not transfer heat well, shaved ice can draw heat away from your mouth faster than ice cream.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is getting warmer lately, so I would like to eat either one.
  • It ihas been getting warmer lately, so I would like to eat either one.

Very interesting! I have never thought about that before. Are you a food scientist? Also, nice English!

Thank you so much for the correction!
I am a scientist, but my major is engineering, haha.
