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【No. 1526】Kamatoto (かまとと - Playing Innocent)

Feb 21, 2019 20:45

When someone (especially a woman) pretends she does not know something even if she knows it well, we call her kamatoto (かまとと).

Kama (かま) is short for kamaboko (かまぼこ - "boiled fish paste"), and toto (とと) is a baby word to mean "fish."

Kamaboko is the common Japanese food made from fish paste.

However, in the Edo period, a prostitute said in a very artificial way "かまぼこ was made from とと?" to pretend she was ignorant of the world.

It is said that the word kamatoto was borne from the story.






Corrections (1)

No. 1 jeemeegee
  • When someone (especially a woman) pretends she does not know something even if she knows it well, we call her 'kamatoto' (かまとと).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Kama' (かま) is short for 'kamaboko' (かまぼこ - "boiled fish paste"), and 'toto' (とと) is a baby word to mean "fish."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Kamaboko' is the common Japanese food made from fish paste.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, in the Edo period, a prostitute said in a very artificial way "かまぼこ was made from とと?" to pretend she was ignorant of the world.
  • However, in the Edo period, a prostitute said in a very artificial way "かまぼこ was made from とと?" to pretend she was ignorant of the world.

    This is just a recommendation. Nothing is wrong with this sentence:
    ".. a prostitute inquire in a very innocent way .."

  • It is said that the word 'kamatoto' was borne from the story.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

Very good :)

Thank you so much for the correction! :)
